Walnut City High School Students Hold Charity Sale to Raise Funds for Hawaii Wildfire Victims

The ongoing wildfires in Maui, Hawaii, have had a devastating impact on the local community. In an effort to assist those who have lost their homes, Walnut City High School student Gu Jiayu initiated a charity sale to raise funds for the wildfire victims.

Event organizer Gu Jiayu stated, "Hawaii is a place rich in culture and natural beauty. After this wildfire, many residents have been left homeless, which saddens me deeply."

Former Walnut City Mayor Su Wang Xiulan added, "During the event, there will be bonsai orchids, clothing, and various everyday items for sale. Additionally, there are many homeless individuals and animals on Maui, and these children have compassionate hearts for them."

Diamond Bar High School student Gu Yuchan expressed, "I decided to participate in this event today because I visited Hawaii and Maui before. I found Maui to be a beautiful place with a strong sense of community."

Eighth-grade student Liu Siyuan from Sharplow Middle School hopes that more people will join in to help the residents of Maui rebuild their homes.

Sharplow Middle School's Liu Siyuan said, "I can't even imagine what it would be like to lose a family member or friend. When I engage in these activities, I feel hopeful, and I'm delighted to be helping others. At the same time, I'm deeply saddened by the suffering of the people on Maui due to the wildfire."

The charity sale will take place at the Walnut City Senior Center on Sunday, September 17th, at 2:00 PM.

Adesso Nonprofit Foundation
20659 Valley BLVD. Walnut, CA 91789